Contact Us

Barb and Brian

For more information and date availability,
contact Brian Lindberg

Soap Creek Outfitters, LLC
33271 Highway J3T
Unionville, Iowa 52594
641-895-3224 cell
641-932-2233 my office

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Soap Creek Outfitters Turkey Hunting


TwoYoungHuntersIowa Spring turkey licenses are also on a draw and the season is usually split into four seasons, starting early April and running through the first part of May. Applications are due in January and if quotas are not reached, remaining licenses are issued on a first come basis. We hunt in Iowa's turkey zone # 4.  Turkey hunts are three days. Hunter safety certificates are required for Iowa turkey hunters if born on or after January 1, 1967.

Hunt in one trip with Archery or Shotgun!

Click here to check with the Iowa DNR for official hunt dates.

