The News

2020 Season

2020 Summary wrap up:   

We had a very good 2020 season.  We went 100% success rate for our bow hunters.  We had 75% success rate for our gun hunters.   With that being said we had four hunters miss shots on bigger bucks than they later scored on.  We are increasing the number of planted acres for the 2021 season.    On our 800 acre tract we will have 700 acres in hardwoods with 100 acres of crop fields.  The two tracts that are 115 acres each were not hunted this past year mainly due to not needing them.  They both consist of 45% crop fields and balance in hardwoods.  We continue to take a limited number of hunters to keep the quality of our deer up and our success rate high.   My advice when hunting Iowa is stay put.  Do not walk around to scout.  I have done that for you.  Look for the mass of the antlers.  That will tell you the age of the buck.  A 140 inch buck is not a shooter here.  It may be where you are from but give yourself a chance to take home a 150 class of larger buck.  As far as potential, one year our clients took home a 186 inch, 210 inch and a seven pointer that scored 152 inches.  Two of these were taken by bow hunters.  The same year we had a set of sheds from a buck that was later taken that scored 215 inches.  So be patient and wait for the buck of a lifetime.  

New for this year:

Due to an increasing number of coyotes and other varmints, we are setting up a new hunt.  Like our three day turkey hunts, you can stay at the lodge for $600 per hunter.  Coyotes can be hunted all year with no bag limit.     

Thanks to all of our new and returning clients.

Brian and Barbara Lindberg

Taking hunters since 1988  

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