Our 2021 season looked like it would be one of our best seasons due to the number of upper end bucks we had on our cameras. As the season progressed all the bucks were still here however 99% of the photos were during the night. The temps were too warm to get the deer on their feet. We had some cases where the hunters saw what they wanted to take home but it was last light or after shooting hours. There was just very limited daytime movement. I do have to say that our clients did pass on some bucks in the 140’s and 150’s since they do know what we have here. I am very pleased to be able to say that our clients have come a long way from the days they shot a 135 class buck was a shooter. The 800 acres the lodge is on now has 80 acres of crops of which our area farmer will harvest 2/3 of it. The balance of the farm is white oak and red oak timber. As I write this in February there are still several acres of standing beans. Some hunters saw up to 40 plus deer in the bean field during the late muzzleloader season. The largest bucks seen without a shot were in the 160 to 180 class range. Our cameras still have three of the largest bucks still packing their antlers so at least we know they made it through the season. Deer hunts are $2800 which includes lodging. We still have an abundance of turkeys. Turkey hunts with lodging will be $700 per hunter with lodging for three days. During the off season we offer coyote hunts at the same price as the turkey hunts. We try and keep the prices down below the market. Our goal is to provide a quality hunt with exceptional deer.
Brian Lindberg