The News

2022 Season

This season was very much like 2021 with the warmer weather causing less deer movement during daylight hours.  When the temps were cold some hunters saw upwards to 20 to 30 deer in the field and sometimes up to 10 to 15 bucks.   We had a handful of young bucks that were taken due to poor genetics or just being eight pointers with no more potential for future growth.  We have several upper end bucks in the 150 to 170 class range on the cameras but were seldom seen by the hunters.  Our largest buck taken was with a bow and scored 174 inches.  We did have one upper end buck hit and not recovered as well as two that were shot at but missed.  Most of the time we have far more buck photos than doe on the cameras.  I feel that we have a good buck to doe ratio at this time.    Most of our business is repeat clients but we do have some new clients each year.  If you were to visit with some of our clients you would be amazed if they told you what they saw as far as big bucks while hunting in Iowa.  I never want to make it sound too good but just knowing the caliber of deer that are here is enough to make you keep trying.  It was great meeting our new clients this year and look forward to our next meeting,