The News
2008 Season
The big plans for 2009 will be the completion of the new hunting lodge in Iowa. Even if you are staying in the lodge the rates for a hunt will not be going up. We are still keeping the number of hunters low with the rates as competitive as possible.
Thanks for hunting with us and stay in touch,
Brian Lindberg
Soap Creek Outfitters
Just a quick update on how the season is going. Here are some Missouri kills. We have had some misses with gun and bow on 175 and 180 class bucks in Iowa as well as two in Missouri. One farm has heard a cougar a few times and the bucks seen have been in the 140's on down. Two of the attached photos are from that farm but the potential should be higher. The other Missouri farm where the buck in the 160's was taken has had a buck in the 170's and 180's missed this week. One hunter missed three shooters so he threw his gun away while his partner missed one that was in the 160's. I will follow up with the Iowa bucks later.
Now is the time to book your turkey hunts as well as your Missouri deer hunts.
Brian Lindberg 641-895-3224

On another note, for the groups that I have reserved a slot for 2009 be sure to get your deposit to us soon. I do have three groups waiting in case your group backs out. But they won't wait long.
Have a good year!!
Brian Lindberg
Soap Creek Outfitters
Well the first gun season in Iowa has come to a close. A few big bucks were seen but most were bedded tight recovering after the rut. We had three hunters in camp. We did see one in the 170's and also one in the 160's. Neither buck had any lead thrown at them. Brice shot this buck on his next to last evening with us.
Temps have been as low as zero in the mornings. I have two youth hunters in this next weekend so wish me luck. Most of the time it is tough to connect for them by the time we try and put it all together. On the other hand we may have one of these young hunters score on one of the 170's out there.
In Iowa there was another monster taken that will score around 260 inches nontypical with around 30 points. The photo is floating around already. It may come in a close 2nd to the Albia buck.
Bow dates are starting to fill up for Missouri 2009 so be talking with your hunting partners.