Contact Us

Barb and Brian

For more information and date availability,
contact Brian Lindberg

Soap Creek Outfitters, LLC
33271 Highway J3T
Unionville, Iowa 52594
641-895-3224 cell
641-932-2233 my office

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The News

2017 Season

Soap Creek Outfitters has always practiced quality deer management. Taking a lot of hunters will not make the hunting better. We strive to keep the quality up and hunter numbers low. As you can tell by the photos this year we have the quality. We have been taking an average of eight to ten hunters per year. Some hunters had chances at 160 to 180 class bucks in the first two days while others tagged out in four to six days. Late season showed us some 160 class bucks that were busted up from fighting so we gave them a pass until next year. Worst case scenario is a 75% success rate on 140 class bucks on up. I preach to the hunters not to take the 140" bucks which is the minimum. The bucks may have the frame but age will give them the mass to make them a trophy in 2018 and 2019. Congratulations to our hunters for waiting and for taking quality bucks this year. For availability for 2018 and 2019 Contact Brian 641-895-3224